Me: *gestures at stand-up use computer* Right over here; it's a ten-minute-limit one that doesn't print, but you're free to use it; otherwise there are many computers for adults upstairs.
OMU/FHOLP: I've used the computer here before to check my email and print. Today I'm in a hurry.
Me: Okay.
(computer is occupied by a mom and son, OMU/FHOLP walks up behind them)
OMU/FHOLP: *sighs loudly, then points to a kids' game computer and calls across the open space* What about that one?
Me: *looks up from work* Umm, no, that's a children's computer for games. The stand-up one is the only internet computer on this floor.
OMU/FHOLP: *fidgets for a moment behind mom and son* There aren't any other computers?
Me: *looks up from work again* Uhh, no, not on this floor. There are computers for adults upstairs. *sighs*
OMU/FHOLP: *fidgets a bit more, then wanders off upstairs*
(mom and son almost immediately vacate the stand-up computer)

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